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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word document file format (.doc or .docx).
  • Where available, DOIs and URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

(last update 01/17/2019)

Authors must submit their manuscripts within the platform, using the 5 step submission process. The manuscript file must contain the main text, without the author’s name appearing under the title, in notes and references (it should be substituted with ***). Also the document’s properties must not contain the author’s name or other personal details, using the anonymizing functions provided by the different software.

The anonymous manuscript will be uploaded at step 2 of the submission process.

Submission metadata will be provided at step 3 of the submission process, and must include the following:

  1. For each author of the manuscript: first name and last name, email, ORCiD (if available), institutional affiliation, country, and a brief biographical note (50–100 words).
  2. Title
  3. An abstract (up to 150 words)
  4. Up to five keywords

If submitting an article in Italian, title and abstract must be provided both in English and Italian language.

Papers must be submitted to the journal’s editor-in-chief as .docx or .pdf files.

Numbered footnotes

Superscript numbers appear in the text after parenthesis, dashes or quotation marks, as well as after punctuation (e.g.. «…».3 or —…—22).



Required elements:

Author(s), Title. Subtitle: any other subtitle, secondary intellectual responsibilities (i.e. editors etc.), city of publication, publisher, year of publication, page number(s) [or alternative locator info].

Author(s): in small caps, giving the full name. You can specify up to three authors, separated by commas. Editors and translators are quoted in Roman. The hyphen is used for double names and surnames (e.g. Anne-Christine Faitrop-Porta). When the authors and/or editors are more than three, you should not quote them and just consider the title. City of publication, Publisher (if it is not a first edition, the edition number is superscript), Year, separated by a comma with the edition indication - if necessary - in superscript (e.g. 20083),

The Publisher should be quoted in abbreviated form (e.g. ‘Einaudi’ and not ‘Giulio Einaudi Editore’), except for specific cases (e.g. ‘Bruno Mondadori’, ‘Salerno Editrice’).

If there is more than one city of publication, they are separated by hyphen (e.g. Roma-Bari, Laterza. If there is more than one publisher, they are separated by semicolon: e.g. Roma, ICCU; Milano, Editrice Bibliografica).


Vittorio Anelli, Luigi Maffini, Patrizia Viglio, Leggere in provincia. Un censimento delle biblioteche private a Piacenza nel Settecento, Bologna, il Mulino, 1986, p. 145.

Paola Donati-Giacomini, Gabriella Poma, Cittadini e non cittadini nel mondo romano. Guida ai testi e documenti, Bologna, CLUEB, 1996, p. IV.

Il paratesto, a cura di Cristina Demaria e Riccardo Fedriga, Milano, Edizioni Sylvestre Bonnard, 2001, pp. 57, 64.

Journal articles

Required elements:

Author(s), Title. Subtitle: any other subtitle: as for books (see above), then

Title of the journal in Roman in quotation marks « », followed by

Year or volume in Roman numerals, followed by the year in Arabic numerals and any other numbers (issue, etc.).

Maria Gioia Tavoni, La fortuna di Gregorio Biasini (1732–1788) editore a Cesena nel XVIII secolo, «Accademie e biblioteche d’Italia», LXVII, 1999, pp. 7–28.

Papers in miscellany

Author(s), Title. Subtitle: any other subtitle, in Author(s), Title of the miscellany. Subtitle: any other subtitle, city of publication, publisher, year of publication, page number(s) [or alternative locator info] (e.g. Massimo Lapponi, L’influsso di Mabillon sulla metodologia del Bacchini, in Seicento monastico italiano. Atti del X convegno i studi storici sull’Italia benedettina: Abbazia di S. Maria di Casamari (FR), Abbazia di S. Domenico di Sora (FR), 15–18 settembre 2011, a cura di Giovanni Spinelli O.S.B., Cesena, Badia di Santa Maria del Monte, 2015, pp. 73–80).

Papers in a collection by the same author

Author, Title. Subtitle:any other title, in Id./Ead., Title of the collection. Subtitle: any other title, city of publication, publisher, year of publication, page number(s) [or alternative locator info] (e.g. Maria Gioia Tavoni, Il libro naturalistico nelle biblioteche modenesi, in Ead., Libri e lettura da un secolo all’altro, Modena, Mucchi, 1987, pp. 13–54).



specific page: p. (, Bologna, Pàtron, 2008, p. III.) / range: pp. x-y (…, pp. 135–144). / specific page within a range: pp. x-z: y (M. G. Tavoni, La fortuna di Gregorio Biasini (1732–1788) editore a Cesena nel XVIII secolo, cit., pp. 7–28: 20) / non-consecutive pages: pp. x, y (…, pp. 24, 65–78).

Multivolume Works

The main title is followed by the volume number in capital Roman numerals (omitting «vol.») and by the title and any subtitle of the volume in italics, separated by a full stop:

e.g. Storia di Venezia, V: Il Rinascimento. Società ed economia, a cura di Alberto Tenenti, Umberto Tucci, Renato Massa, Roma, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana Treccani, 1996.

Books printed until 1830

You should use short title citation but pay particular attention to publishing information as reported in the book. You should also report the format and the location of the copy consulted or referred to (acronyms or abbreviations of the holding institutions should be declared in a preliminary legend).

Ludovico Ariosto, La Cassaria, in Venetia, per gli heredi di Bortolamio Rubin, 1587, 4° (BNCF, A.III.9).

Celestino Petracchi, Della insigne abbaziale basilica di S. Stefano di Bologna libri due, in Bologna, nella stamperia di Domenico Guidotti e Giacomo Mellini sotto il Seminario, 1747, in-fol. (BCAB, Gozzadini 143.V.5.Tab.).


You should write the name of the holding institution (acronyms or abbreviations should be declared in a preliminary legend), as well as the date (even if not sure), the shelf-mark and the writing support.

Francesco Petrarca, I Trionfi colle Rime, 1466, paper (BNCF, Ms Pal. 37).

Bernardo Ilicino, Commento ai Trionfi di Francesco Petrarca, 15th century; paper; l. 180 (BEU, Ms alpha.H.3.2=it. 397).

Archival sources

You should write the name of the holding institution (acronyms or abbreviations should be declared in a preliminary legend), followed by section, fund or internal series, any title, shelf-mark of the volume, of the gathering or envelope, any title of the manuscript, year or period, leaf, envelope.

ASB, Notarile, notary Teodori Zenobio Egidio, January 30th 1772.

ASB, Archivi dello Studio, Libri segreti del Collegio Canonico 135, July 7th 1732, l. 198r–200v.

ASMO, Gesuiti soppressi, Modena, filza 22, Nota de’ libri hauuti dal studio del Sig.r Giulio Scala a di 26 Genn.o 1639.


Author(s), short title of the website, <URL>, last consulted [date].

The British Library, <>, last consulted: June 10th 2011.

Not signed entry in dictionary or encyclopedia

Title, city of publication, publisher, year of publication, s.v. [entry].

Enciclopedia Garzanti della Musica, Milano, Garzanti, 1974, s.v. Contrappunto.

Signed entry in dictionary or encyclopedia

Author(s), entry, in Title, volume in Roman numerals, city of publication, publisher, year of publication, page number(s) [or alternative locator info].

Mario Scotti, Foscolo, Ugo, in Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani, XLIX, Roma, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana, 1997, pp. 457–473 (note: write the title as it is, in this case with the surname separated from the name by a comma: Foscolo, Ugo)

Recurrent citations:

When an edition has already been cited, it is abbreviated: First letter of the name, Surname of the author(s), First word of the title, cit., p. x (es.: R. Pensato, Corso di bibliografia, cit., pp. 15–20.).

The same in manuscript citation (B. Ilicino, Commento ai Trionfi, cit., l. 3r) and in archival sources (ASMO, Gesuiti soppressi, Modena, filza 22, Nota de’ libri, cit.).

Also the editor is abbreviated: «edited by» + first letter of the name, surname of the editor (e.g. Leopardi e Bologna, a cura di M. A. Bazzocchi, cit.).

When the same citation is taken up in the subsequent note (or within the same note in different but subsequent points), with the sole addition or modification of some citation element: Therein (in Roman). If the same citation is taken up identically immediately afterwards: Ibid. (in italics).

Lezioni su Dante, cit., pp. 295–302. Therein, pp. 320–326.

B. Varchi, Di quei cinque capi, cit., p. 307.

Ibid., where a brief description of the categories appears.

Quotes of passages and subtexts

Short passages must be reported in the text in guillemets, within which quotation marks (“ ”) can be inserted. If the passages exceed 150 characters, they should be transcribed in the body of the text, with no quotation marks. In the passages in italics, what usually goes in italics should be placed in Roman; for example the titles of the works.

  • « », guillemets: for the reported passages that are not inside the text or for direct speeches;

  • ‘ ’, single quotation marks: for words and phrases to highlight, emphatic expressions, paraphrases, translations of foreign words, etc.

Any internal omission must be reported with […], avoiding to put brackets at the opening and closing of the quotation:

«mezzo del cammin di nostra […] mi ritrovai per una selva».

Passages in Latin and Greek must be transcribed inside the text in their translated version; the original version should be written in a note.


Any image (in black and white and/or greyscale and/or color) should be provided on digital support, possibly in .tif format and high definition (at least 1 Mb for each image, or resolution not less than 600 dpi), and a caption is required, too.

The reference to the image (e.g. Fig. 1) should be indicated in the text of the paper as well as where the image should be put (anyway the editorial staff will be allowed to move it to the previous or following page due to layout reasons).

TECA Dossier

Monographic collection of papers dedicated to the in-depth study of a specific topic; it is published occasionally alongside the ordinary sections of the journal. It preferably includes cutting-edge content, and may contain theoretical writings, scientific investigation reports and case studies.


Monographic collection of papers dedicated to the in-depth study of a specific topic; they are usually proceedings of conferences or lectures. It preferably includes cutting-edge content, and may contain theoretical writings, scientific investigation reports and case studies.


Extensive essays, including interdisciplinary ones, written by one or more authors, on specific topics, preferably based on unpublished documentary research or on an original critical rereading of previous literature. They are peer reviewed.

News and Research Notes

Short essays, even interdisciplinary, written by one or more authors, suitable for the development of knowledge on a specific issue, on a character, on an event and so on; they can present research projects or first reports of research work still in progress and are subjected to peer review.

Reviews and Records

edited by Anna Giulia Cavagna and Paolo Tinti
Reviews and reports on recent editorial production, published in the last three years, both in Italy and abroad. The texts are read and validated by at least two members of the scientific board, or by an expert in the subject dealt with in the text.

Arts of Books

edited by Barbara Sghiavetta
Critical writings, reviewed by at least two members of the scientific board, on topical issues, on cultural debates, on experiences of promotion in libraries, archives, museums and other cultural institutions, focused on the relationship between books and the arts.

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