The 2030 Agenda Through Librarians' Creativity. Ideas of Projects from a Workshop Set Up by the Italian Library Association (AIB)
Libraries can contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030 Agenda: indeed, the online training course ‘Biblioteche e Agenda 2030’, organized by AIB Emilia-Romagna in spring 2021, was made up of theoretical meetings followed by a workshop where the sixteen participant librarians worked out five project plans linked to the Goals and based on partnership among different libraries. Topics and frameworks of the projects were inspired by the contents of the lectures (from the analysis of the 2030 Agenda as a strategic framework, to its acknowledgement by the international and national library world, passing through some case studies which provided the scheme for project building). Each project was then developed inside the different institutional contexts in which its authors operate. The five works together offer an essay on how the creativity of librarians can interpret the demands of the Agenda for the benefit of library audience.
Copyright (c) 2021 Anna Bernabè

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